I am very grateful that my application for Malaysian Permanent Residency (Permit Masuk) was approved. The immigration and police officers who handled my application and interviews were helpful and professional, which made the process easier.
I have put details below of each stage of my application which might be of interest to others.
Please note:
These are my personal experiences only; everybody's circumstances are unique and all applications are individually assessed by Immigration, the Police and the Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN).
For specific advice you should visit Immigration. You can also find out information and ask questions in the Facebook Groups in the 'Useful Links' section.
I have described the process based on when I applied in 2022 (before the 'Points System' for foreign spouses was introduced in March 2024). Information on the Points System, plus details of proposed changes to the application process and other info on PR can be found on the FAQs page here:
Dates of each stage of my PR application: